How many times do you replace your razor blades? It's not the act of repeated shaving that causes the blades to quickly dull; its corrosion. Keep your razor shaving-like new with BLEW, a razor blade dryer that increases the lifespan of your razor by effectively preventing razor-rusting oxidation. BLEW dries your razor with a heated fan (similar to that of a hairdryer), and during the drying process, a UV light will help sanitize your razor. All of this is done with an automatic shut-off feature that lets you drop in your razor and go on with the rest of your morning routine.
Heated fan: Dries off the razor
UV light: Helps sanitize the razor after drying off
Automatic shut-off function: Lets you drop in your razor & go on with the rest of your morning routine
Patented design: Fits 99% of razors